Launch Day! Book Birthday! Magic’s Stealing…

Today is the day! Magic’s Stealing is now available for the public to purchase and read! *Squees and does happy dance.*

SBibb - Magic's Stealing Cover

Purchase on Amazon US

Purchase on Amazon UK

Purchase at

Purchase for Kobo

Purchase on Smashwords

(Also available on iTunes, but I’m not sure how to link that)

Add to Goodreads Shelf

Now that the book is out, I’ve got to figure out how best to market it… without, you know, spamming everyone.

There’s a fine line when deciding how often to tweet an announcement that you’re super excited about… (I’m going with the plan that if I’m self-advertising, I need to have retweeted several useful articles or interesting tidbits between ads. That, and I’ll only do one or two announcement  tweets with the cover and buy link for Magic’s Stealing. After that, I’ll try to either post little quote pictures maybe once a week (if I remember, and can restrain myself to that), or once a week continue my occasional “pitch line” tweet with a buy link, kind of like I’ve done for my short stories.

Here’s an example of a quote picture (not sure if there’s a technical name for these or not… if there are, please enlighten me).

Magic's Stealing - Mountain Forge Quote

I personally think they’re kind of cool, but we’ll see if everyone else thinks they’re interesting or annoying. Either way,  they’re fun to make. I’m thinking of doing one for Shevanlagiy, too…

What are your thoughts? Have you found any quote pictures to be particularly interesting?

Other than that, I shall try to refrain from active “advertising” other than what other people share, what I reference in blog posts, and a possible giveaway I’ve considered. That way I can focus more on actually writing stories (which hasn’t been happening over the past few days).

In the meantime, I’m debating whether a Facebook author page would be of interest to readers… but I’ve heard that they’ve been a pain lately, in regards to getting the people who follow you to actually see your content (maybe a “group” would be better?). But I’m not even sure what I’d put on one. More pretty quote pictures? Not sure that would be terribly interesting after a while.

What are your thoughts? Have you had any experiences in successfully marketing your book without waving the cover around like a giant, virtual banner?

Now… back to the happy dance. 🙂


Filed under Writing

20 responses to “Launch Day! Book Birthday! Magic’s Stealing…

  1. williamcharlesbrock

    Congratulations! Is this a self published book?

  2. How exciting!! 🙂 Congratuations!

  3. Congrats. I’ve heard an effective marketing trick is to have your book mentioned in the “signature” of your blog posts as well. So, your not spamming. You have your regular post, people read it, and then they notice that you also have a book available when they finish your post. Haven’t used it, I’m not there yet, but heard it worked well.

    • Hmm, thanks for the tip. I do remember seeing that in quite a few other blogs, and it usually didn’t feel obtrusive. I’ll consider doing that. Maybe not immediately, but I’ll start keeping an eye out for where other people have done that. Thanks! 🙂

  4. Congratulations! Good luck with the release!!

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